brianyeung: @rossodwyer intently contributing to Keita's sketchbook at @hunicke's GDC party Saturday.
brianyeung: Early morning swim.
brianyeung: Fog at dusk.
brianyeung: San Bruno Mountain with Ross.
brianyeung: First time doing cross country. When do I get my rifle?
brianyeung: Flip.
brianyeung: Aebfinn gets some air.
brianyeung: At the McClendon's we're *all* inside the baby playpen.
brianyeung: One last one from NYE.
brianyeung: Party #2.
brianyeung: Party #1.
brianyeung: Making friends on the subway.
brianyeung: Upgrading my dad's motorcycle armor is my current gift strategy.
brianyeung: Also apparently I have a cousin who is a monk.
brianyeung: You know it's a Chinese funeral when they yell at everyone to take their last pictures and go pee before driving to the cemetery.
brianyeung: Mom looking presidential and managing networks on her Blackberry.
brianyeung: Moms always want you to be warm.
brianyeung: Folded lots of paper money today with @gnuey, @patleeman, @yoyoson, @vixroxsox. Big spiritual windfall for grandma!
brianyeung: First ride to the Marin Headlands with the new Rambouillet, @rossodwyer, @jeff_yip.
brianyeung: Fact: cats hate rain.
brianyeung: Paging Dr. Positron.
brianyeung: Efficient childcare looks like a literal kindergarten.
brianyeung: Just another magical misty morning in the fog belt.
brianyeung: Waiting for Louis CK and enjoying the view.
brianyeung: 40 minutes to go. #nofilter
brianyeung: In 12 hours I'll be halfway through my first triathlon. Time for bed.
brianyeung: Fearing the littlest beard.
brianyeung: My Halloween costume: the Dread Pirate Catbeard.
brianyeung: In case of fire, please remember the fish.
brianyeung: Wise Sons with @fuzzysquid.