Cranbrook Art Academy: "why seek ye the living among the dead", 2007, ink on paper, 6' x 10'
Cranbrook Art Academy: "why seek ye the living among the dead" (detail), 2007, ink on paper, 6' x 10'
Cranbrook Art Academy: "why seek ye the living among the dead" (detail), 2007, ink on paper, 6' x 10'
Cranbrook Art Academy: "why seek ye the living among the dead" (detail), 2007, ink on paper, 6' x 10'
Cranbrook Art Academy: "portrait of a floor with dog and cap gun casings", 2007, ink on paper, 24" x 36"
Cranbrook Art Academy: "portrait of a wall in december" (detail), 2006, ink and pencil on paper, 6' x 8'
Cranbrook Art Academy: "drowned drawings after the party", 2006, ink on paper, installation, 10' x 15'
Cranbrook Art Academy: "drowning drawings after the party" (detail), 2006, ink on paper, installation, 10' x 15'