craigt_from_atl: Finished product!
craigt_from_atl: Installing the top cover panel
craigt_from_atl: Before top cover is installed.
craigt_from_atl: Feeding wire.
craigt_from_atl: Outlet in a bad location
craigt_from_atl: Installation template installed.
craigt_from_atl: Grouting complete
craigt_from_atl: Kelly grouts too.
craigt_from_atl: Grouting the backsplash
craigt_from_atl: Groutin' it up.
craigt_from_atl: All tile installed.
craigt_from_atl: Moving up between the cabinets.
craigt_from_atl: Progressing with tile install.
craigt_from_atl: Tile is on the wall.
craigt_from_atl: Blank Slate