craiglea123: The chapel at Beamsley Hospital
craiglea123: Beamsley Hospital
craiglea123: Beamsley Hospital
craiglea123: Bell Pull
craiglea123: Beamsley Hospital
craiglea123: The Ubiquitous Foot Shot
craiglea123: Page 2....
craiglea123: Eleanor
craiglea123: Every Landmark should have a wood-burning stove
craiglea123: The Forbidden Corner
craiglea123: Underground at The Forbidden Corner
craiglea123: Making the Wrong Turning at The Forbidden Corner
craiglea123: Why did the skeleton stay at The Forbidden Corner? Because he had no body to go with
craiglea123: Steve by Lucy
craiglea123: Beamsley Hospital
craiglea123: Credit where credit's due
craiglea123: Deskchairs
craiglea123: The Chapel at Beamsley Hospital
craiglea123: Beamsley Hospital
craiglea123: Beamsley Hospital
craiglea123: Two Turnips Would Be An Indulgence
craiglea123: Beamsley Hospital
craiglea123: Spooky Night