Craig Kempf: Your Christmas will be legendary…even in hell.
Craig Kempf: Green-Wood Cemetery - Brooklyn NY
Craig Kempf: “Stranger Things” inspired shoot. This was fun!
Craig Kempf: Eleven!
Craig Kempf: Eleven!
Craig Kempf: Guitars
Craig Kempf: Family is Important.
Craig Kempf: Kids and their hatchets!
Craig Kempf: Creedmore Psych., NY
Craig Kempf: Love & Graffiti
Craig Kempf: Creedmore Psych. Hospital, NY
Craig Kempf: Freedom Tower, NYC
Craig Kempf: Lots of Lavender
Craig Kempf: Fitness shoot.
Craig Kempf: Grrrl Power
Craig Kempf: Geoff Tate
Craig Kempf: Geoff Tate
Craig Kempf: Geoff Tate
Craig Kempf: Christine
Craig Kempf: Creepin' around Huntington, NY
Craig Kempf: Mariah
Craig Kempf: Christine
Craig Kempf: Harley Quinn
Craig Kempf: Harley Quinn