Gary Cantwell: Heron with a meal
Gary Cantwell: Tufted duck female
Gary Cantwell: Chiffchaff
Gary Cantwell: Mute swan preening
Gary Cantwell: Tufted Duck male
Gary Cantwell: On the edge
Gary Cantwell: Juvenile Swallow
Gary Cantwell: Feeding Time
Gary Cantwell: Female Tufted Duck
Gary Cantwell: Last of the Summer Swallows 1
Gary Cantwell: Last of the Summer Swallows 2
Gary Cantwell: Chiffchaff
Gary Cantwell: Heron fly pass 18th July
Gary Cantwell: Kittiwake
Gary Cantwell: Large catch
Gary Cantwell: Puffin Isle of May
Gary Cantwell: Artic Tern landing
Gary Cantwell: Duckling
Gary Cantwell: Razorbills 29th June
Gary Cantwell: Guillemot with fish 2
Gary Cantwell: Back lit Shag
Gary Cantwell: Puffin on Isle of May 29th June
Gary Cantwell: Puffin with Sand Eels 29th June
Gary Cantwell: Puffin and Sand Eels June 29th
Gary Cantwell: Puffin Isle of May June 20th
Gary Cantwell: Group photo
Gary Cantwell: Sand Eels that way
Gary Cantwell: Razorbill Isle of May
Gary Cantwell: Guillemots and Razorbills
Gary Cantwell: Artic Tern Isle of May