cmfgu: Ellis Island Immigration Museum
cmfgu: Ellis Island Immigration Museum
cmfgu: Ellis Island Immigration Museum - Great Hall
cmfgu: Ellis Island Immigration Museum - Great Hall
cmfgu: Statue of Liberty
cmfgu: Statue of Liberty
cmfgu: Statue of Liberty
cmfgu: Miss Ellis Island Ferry
cmfgu: Ellis Island
cmfgu: Ellis Island
cmfgu: Statue of Liberty
cmfgu: Manhattan Island
cmfgu: Statue of Liberty
cmfgu: Original Statue of Liberty flame
cmfgu: Statue of Liberty face
cmfgu: Verrazano-Narrows Bridge
cmfgu: Statue of Liberty Torch
cmfgu: Manhattan Island
cmfgu: Ellis Island
cmfgu: Statue of Liberty
cmfgu: Statue of Liberty
cmfgu: Statue of Liberty Tablet
cmfgu: Empire State Building
cmfgu: Empire State Building
cmfgu: Madison Square Garden
cmfgu: Empire State Building
cmfgu: Flatiron Building
cmfgu: St. Paul's Chapel
cmfgu: Lower Manhattan
cmfgu: Brooklyn Bridge