craigemorsels: Hellebore queen demonstrating her wares
craigemorsels: I wish I had more pink peonies
craigemorsels: The 2023 Plant Swap
craigemorsels: Using the new bed for the plant swap
craigemorsels: Garden bouquet
craigemorsels: Another free one from the native plant sale
craigemorsels: Eggplants
craigemorsels: Let's do this!
craigemorsels: Balloon flowers
craigemorsels: A planter by my pergola
craigemorsels: This might just be weeds...
craigemorsels: This rose bush produces one or 2 gorgeous blooms
craigemorsels: Zinnias
craigemorsels: Trying balloon flowers again this year
craigemorsels: Wintersown zinnia babies
craigemorsels: Coreopsis
craigemorsels: Nasturtium babies
craigemorsels: My happy spot
craigemorsels: First time growing celery