craigemorsels: I dug and I swore and I dug and I sweat and I dug
craigemorsels: Prepping the former bocce courts for planting
craigemorsels: Crocus
craigemorsels: Anemone I think
craigemorsels: If only I knew then...
craigemorsels: Winter sowing! Radicchio
craigemorsels: Spring color
craigemorsels: Peas popping up!
craigemorsels: Bulbs coming up
craigemorsels: Bulbs
craigemorsels: Winter sowing!
craigemorsels: Winter sowing! Kale scarlet
craigemorsels: Winter sowing! Cabbage
craigemorsels: Winter sown cabbage
craigemorsels: Winter sowing! Bok choy
craigemorsels: Tulips
craigemorsels: Redbud
craigemorsels: Tulips
craigemorsels: Tulips
craigemorsels: Fig new growth
craigemorsels: Some early spring color
craigemorsels: White bearded iris
craigemorsels: Tulips
craigemorsels: Tulips
craigemorsels: Sour cherry tree
craigemorsels: A new home for the hostas