craigemorsels: Shooting lesson
craigemorsels: 325: My dad shows us how to use a pistol
craigemorsels: A little Thanksgiving reading
craigemorsels: Talking to Grandma
craigemorsels: 324: Welcome to the Northern Neck of VA!
craigemorsels: I don't want to repeat myself
craigemorsels: Favorite childhood books
craigemorsels: autumn light
craigemorsels: preparing the stuffing
craigemorsels: demonstrating proper grip
craigemorsels: good ol' boy
craigemorsels: Look, I hit it!
craigemorsels: the pistol was easier
craigemorsels: shotgun lesson
craigemorsels: requisite turkey prep shot
craigemorsels: another requisite carving shot
craigemorsels: requisite carving shot
craigemorsels: requisite shot of beautiful table with turkey
craigemorsels: crack pie
craigemorsels: Me and my pie
craigemorsels: First, a coldwater rinse
craigemorsels: Official dish doing duty
craigemorsels: CeeCee was coddled too much as a puppy
craigemorsels: little scene
craigemorsels: dogs staring at food
craigemorsels: CeeCee 2
craigemorsels: CeeCee 1
craigemorsels: action