craigemorsels: well Karyl looks good anyway
craigemorsels: chelle and karyl, blurry
craigemorsels: oh beth
craigemorsels: tattooing
craigemorsels: kiss the bride
craigemorsels: just do the shot, Beth
craigemorsels: it looks better this way
craigemorsels: look, Jeff
craigemorsels: Jacob Wirth's
craigemorsels: little bus
craigemorsels: ask suzi
craigemorsels: jeff and his camera
craigemorsels: also would have been a great shot
craigemorsels: tracy and chelle
craigemorsels: oh my god all my photos are blurry
craigemorsels: watching the proceedings below
craigemorsels: the crowns
craigemorsels: argh!
craigemorsels: newlyweds!
craigemorsels: so cold
craigemorsels: waiting to throw the rice
craigemorsels: explaining about the rice, I think
craigemorsels: swankies
craigemorsels: testing the lens
craigemorsels: tracy
craigemorsels: very hairy kiss
craigemorsels: regal
craigemorsels: my glamour shot
craigemorsels: pulling faces at Harry's request