craigemorsels: Don't torture me like this
craigemorsels: Seurie at Big Temple's
craigemorsels: In the boys room
craigemorsels: the blue bathroom
craigemorsels: and the pink one
craigemorsels: middle bedroom
craigemorsels: Ry preparing the disgusting shots
craigemorsels: Uncle Bill dons his sunglasses and Chris makes a toast
craigemorsels: They men congregate to do a shot
craigemorsels: Give some to Big Temple
craigemorsels: Polonium 210
craigemorsels: Going over the family cookbook for the newest family members
craigemorsels: Big Temple and the Dewar's
craigemorsels: It was this big!
craigemorsels: Age 70
craigemorsels: Brittany, Aunt Wendy, Mums
craigemorsels: Banana cream pie
craigemorsels: Vultures
craigemorsels: Christopher looked exactly like young Big Temple
craigemorsels: Seurie doing her come hither look