craigemorsels: Our first view of downtown Portland
craigemorsels: Mums & Pop at the rehearsal dinner
craigemorsels: View from behind the hotel
craigemorsels: view #2 from behind the hotel
craigemorsels: Mt. Hood beyond Lost Lake
craigemorsels: Mt. Hood and boaters
craigemorsels: Huckleberries
craigemorsels: One the Lost Lake trail
craigemorsels: Twilight Ale
craigemorsels: Full Sail for a quick taster tray before the wedding
craigemorsels: Full Sail taster tray
craigemorsels: Just married
craigemorsels: wedding party
craigemorsels: cascades
craigemorsels: wedding party close-up
craigemorsels: dressy dress
craigemorsels: Uncle Chris, Aunt Forrest and cousins
craigemorsels: Bride and her family
craigemorsels: Other cousin and his wife
craigemorsels: Walking by the sand trap
craigemorsels: Groom's family
craigemorsels: Ry, bride, and family
craigemorsels: family
craigemorsels: Best shot?
craigemorsels: Tickling?
craigemorsels: I love these guys
craigemorsels: cute family
craigemorsels: Cutest cousins
craigemorsels: Mums and Pop