craigemorsels: Jeff does all the work
craigemorsels: The Christmas station on TV, of course
craigemorsels: Shopping before our party
craigemorsels: Good party
craigemorsels: Robot process commences
craigemorsels: Robot army
craigemorsels: The nasty neighbors
craigemorsels: Pop with his new boat
craigemorsels: The Marca Bean
craigemorsels: View down the creek from the dock at sunset
craigemorsels: Jeff falls in love
craigemorsels: Playing
craigemorsels: Tree and train
craigemorsels: Country Christmas tree
craigemorsels: Close-up of the tree
craigemorsels: Tree topper
craigemorsels: New hair
craigemorsels: Living room
craigemorsels: Tache's incision
craigemorsels: On the new boat
craigemorsels: Jeff fiddles with the depth finder
craigemorsels: Boat boy
craigemorsels: The Marca Bean
craigemorsels: Concentration face
craigemorsels: ...and a lobster on his knee
craigemorsels: The lobster whisperer
craigemorsels: Giving them a stern talking to
craigemorsels: Preparing the Christmas Eve feast
craigemorsels: Christmas Eve dinner
craigemorsels: Best Xmas Eve dinner ever