craigemorsels: Today's project
craigemorsels: Provisions
craigemorsels: Separated before birth
craigemorsels: Next step
craigemorsels: Banana layer
craigemorsels: Chillin' in the fridge for a few hours
craigemorsels: This here is my pie
craigemorsels: Cats like pie??
craigemorsels: Ready to skate
craigemorsels: Jeff's birthday skating expedition (on Vimeo)
craigemorsels: As gawky on ice as on dry land (on Vimeo)
craigemorsels: Jen and Geoff
craigemorsels: Spiky Mike
craigemorsels: Target Terror
craigemorsels: The annoyed with so many damn photos look
craigemorsels: Empty bottles
craigemorsels: Ghost hand
craigemorsels: Mid-evening nap
craigemorsels: Posing?
craigemorsels: Dark and handsome
craigemorsels: Geoff, Jen and You Know Who
craigemorsels: How 'bout another drink?
craigemorsels: It was a scintillating story, I'm sure
craigemorsels: Out of this world reading material
craigemorsels: I make more sense when I drink.
craigemorsels: Thing
craigemorsels: Who were you texting at that hour, young lady?
craigemorsels: So many beautiful Jens
craigemorsels: Terror, targeted
craigemorsels: Not posing at all