craigemorsels: Grandma gives me her ring
craigemorsels: the girls and me by bar
craigemorsels: mumsy on stairs
craigemorsels: pop and i peruse the program
craigemorsels: pop and i rehearse walking
craigemorsels: making bows
craigemorsels: Sharing the secret art of making chair bows
craigemorsels: bow tie
craigemorsels: mumsy puts on my necklace
craigemorsels: pop and me on stairs
craigemorsels: on pop's arm
craigemorsels: blessing of the rings
craigemorsels: altar hug
craigemorsels: signing of the marriage license
craigemorsels: me and mums
craigemorsels: cufflinks
craigemorsels: recessional
craigemorsels: mumsy congratulates us
craigemorsels: wedding party
craigemorsels: steve and me
craigemorsels: pop's speech
craigemorsels: john sings
craigemorsels: our first dance, "All You Need is Love"
craigemorsels: concentration faces
craigemorsels: jeff and his mom dance
craigemorsels: pop and i dance
craigemorsels: dance with the 'rents
craigemorsels: the party from above
craigemorsels: jeff joanna lisa
craigemorsels: kev n jen again