craigemorsels: Jeff cooks
craigemorsels: Jeff in ski goggles
craigemorsels: He cooked; I cleaned up
craigemorsels: Booie loves corn of any kind
craigemorsels: We all have our quirks
craigemorsels: These are the important things
craigemorsels: Snausages
craigemorsels: Phone and beer
craigemorsels: Concentration face
craigemorsels: Monochrome dinner
craigemorsels: Decisions, decisions...
craigemorsels: Good brunch
craigemorsels: Today's project
craigemorsels: Provisions
craigemorsels: Separated before birth
craigemorsels: Next step
craigemorsels: Banana layer
craigemorsels: Chillin' in the fridge for a few hours
craigemorsels: Sundy suppa
craigemorsels: This here is my pie
craigemorsels: Cats like pie??
craigemorsels: Now what?
craigemorsels: Tasty morsels
craigemorsels: First layer
craigemorsels: Sundy suppa
craigemorsels: Finally using the mixer for the first time
craigemorsels: Rising
craigemorsels: Well, I'll be damned.
craigemorsels: Root breakfast