Cragrat: Dream...
Cragrat: Mt Maudit, Chamonix - 1
Cragrat: Mt Maudit, Chamonix - 2
Cragrat: Mt Maudit, Chamonix - 3
Cragrat: Mt Blanc
Cragrat: White Wave (Chopicalqui, 6354m)
Cragrat: India (28) Mt Arapiles
Cragrat: Steps ahead
Cragrat: Punks in the Gym,Mt Arapiles
Cragrat: Mt Tasman (3498m) from West Ridge of Torres (3163)
Cragrat: Mt Sefton (3151m) - North Ridge
Cragrat: Simon on the West ridge of Mt Torres
Cragrat: Aaron Ford, Wye Creek, NZ
Cragrat: The Acid Test roof, 25/6
Cragrat: Pousse ton Froc (27)
Cragrat: Pousse ton Froc/Happy Motoring
Cragrat: The fun Connie?
Cragrat: Goodbye Cream Poofters (17)
Cragrat: Feeling Lucky Punk (26)
Cragrat: Powerline (23) Paynes Ford
Cragrat: IMG_0730.jpg
Cragrat: IMG_0816.jpg
Cragrat: Highball warm up...Nico
Cragrat: one of the better holds
Cragrat: Psychic Tea Lady, V8
Cragrat: Shadow spotting
Cragrat: Angel of Pain 32/8b+
Cragrat: Angel of Pain (32/8b+), Castle Hill, NZ
Cragrat: IMG_0700
Cragrat: IMG_0701