Snuva: The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Snuva: Eskil with his portable drawer
Snuva: Lock
Snuva: Locks
Snuva: MorFar and Eskil out for lunch
Snuva: A quilt shop. In an old church. And I forgot to take MorMor there!!
Snuva: Eskil Watching MorFar Help Out
Snuva: A Princess and Her Stor Husse
Snuva: Some of Our Friends at the 1st BBQ at the New House
Snuva: Spotted Gum Trunk
Snuva: Some Dudes Hanging Out
Snuva: Nice Frame for Beans
Snuva: The Gardens under Siege
Snuva: Nervous Duck Mummy at the Botanical Gardens
Snuva: Art in the Botanical Gardens
Snuva: Eskil Taking Photos of MorFar
Snuva: Dinner Before the Mozzies Come
Snuva: Sulphur Crested Cockatoo Flying Over Dinner
Snuva: Nice View for our BBQ
Snuva: Playing Music for MorFar
Snuva: MorFar's Nose
Snuva: Lottie, MorFar, and Eskil in front of the house
Snuva: MorFar and Eskil ready for lunch at MONA
Snuva: Owl Butterfly
Snuva: Mt Wellington from the Kieffer Pavilion Link
Snuva: Festive
Snuva: Lukewarm
Snuva: MorFar and Eskil at MONA
Snuva: MorFar could relate
Snuva: Blurry silhouette of MorFar and Eskil at MONA