Snuva: CCHP Wake
Snuva: CCHP Wake
Snuva: CCHP Wake
Snuva: CCHP Wake
Snuva: CCHP Wake
Snuva: Lee and Anne
Snuva: Warren and Grada
Snuva: CCHP Wake
Snuva: Just another sip. . .
Snuva: Simon
Snuva: Balls of Brass
Snuva: Warren
Snuva: Much toasting occurred
Snuva: Michael and Lee
Snuva: Warren and his Carlton jacket
Snuva: Listening to speeches
Snuva: Little Miss Helpful - Karen!
Snuva: Sally, Grada, and Karen
Snuva: Listening to speeches
Snuva: Chris
Snuva: Simon Presenting Gifts to Wazza
Snuva: The Girls and Gramps
Snuva: Warren receiving his Balls of Brass
Snuva: Michael and Lee
Snuva: During the Presentations
Snuva: Grada, aka Little Miss Fast
Snuva: Little Miss Whoops
Snuva: Some of 'the Girls'
Snuva: Wazza In His New Carlton Jacket