Crafty Bitch: squash
Crafty Bitch: tomato
Crafty Bitch: grubb and tomato
Crafty Bitch: blackberry
Crafty Bitch: squash flower!!
Crafty Bitch: squash
Crafty Bitch: Tons of Mushrooms
Crafty Bitch: mushroom flower
Crafty Bitch: mushrooms
Crafty Bitch: Squash explosion
Crafty Bitch: Kyle's hand against squash leaf
Crafty Bitch: First Zucchini
Crafty Bitch: zucchini
Crafty Bitch: It was in hiding for a long while
Crafty Bitch: What do you think it will be when it grows up?
Crafty Bitch: Giant caterpillar
Crafty Bitch: yellow tomato flower
Crafty Bitch: caterpillar
Crafty Bitch: Signs of Spring
Crafty Bitch: Trees are blooming
Crafty Bitch: Tomato Line up
Crafty Bitch: Purple tomato plant
Crafty Bitch: Peek-a-boo