Kraphti-Dez: View at the lake
Kraphti-Dez: DSCF9205
Kraphti-Dez: DSCF9259
Kraphti-Dez: Red Lentils
Kraphti-Dez: DSCF9618
Kraphti-Dez: DSCF9630
Kraphti-Dez: DSCF9632
Kraphti-Dez: DSCF9712 (cropped)
Kraphti-Dez: DSCF9721
Kraphti-Dez: DSCF972
Kraphti-Dez: DSCF9733
Kraphti-Dez: DSCF9734
Kraphti-Dez: DSCF9735
Kraphti-Dez: Yikes...spider webs!
Kraphti-Dez: Good...the owner of this web is not home
Kraphti-Dez: Ewwww...another web
Kraphti-Dez: This leave must have been pretty tasty
Kraphti-Dez: This sure is a popular log for sunbathing
Kraphti-Dez: Sunbathing
Kraphti-Dez: You've got to come down sometime
Kraphti-Dez: Depth of Field trials
Kraphti-Dez: Depth of Field trials
Kraphti-Dez: More rusty bolts at the lake