craftsty: Jordans new red chair & wearing jeans I made her :D
craftsty: her fave toy...
craftsty: Feeding Time
craftsty: My girls!
craftsty: Jordan 11 weeks
craftsty: Jordan 11 weeks
craftsty: Sometimes she crys!
craftsty: Jordan with big red lips LOL!
craftsty: Jordan, her Daddy and Hailey taking a nap
craftsty: How cute am I?
craftsty: Eye lashes are growing :D
craftsty: Looking like her daddy!
craftsty: Sleeping with a peekaboo foot
craftsty: Cupcake Baby
craftsty: Me and my princess!
craftsty: 13 weeks old!
craftsty: Jordan & her Hip Doll
craftsty: Sticking tongue out LOL!
craftsty: For Carol to see her hair or not so hair LOL
craftsty: Uncle Mike feeding his neice Jordan!
craftsty: Jordan: Be my facebook friend (LOL!)
craftsty: From Grandma! Don't I look like a monkey?
craftsty: Breakfast Time!
craftsty: Breakfast Time (dads still asleep lol)
craftsty: SAM_0649
craftsty: 14 Weeks - 13lbs 5 ounces
craftsty: Emma + Jordan = Besties ♥