craftsty: Oh Hi everyone!
craftsty: WOW TOYS!!
craftsty: I was so hungry I couldn't help my self
craftsty: Who is this sneeking around in my kitchen?
craftsty: Playing dressup
craftsty: MoBunny!
craftsty: I have 4 ears teehee.
craftsty: New Red Sofa
craftsty: She loves reading!
craftsty: Sitting in her new living room
craftsty: She has the prettiest eyes!
craftsty: I think she crazy mom!
craftsty: Dollyhouse WIP
craftsty: Mom I want to help!
craftsty: MIP = Mess In Progress
craftsty: shhhh....
craftsty: Patty cake, Patty cake,
craftsty: Come on little bear buddy!
craftsty: Mesmerized with cheese!
craftsty: Moms learning to crochet !
craftsty: I got a new dress!
craftsty: Lookie what I got!
craftsty: New Duckie Pull Toy
craftsty: Kindle I bring you a pumpkin
craftsty: Spooky Eyes!
craftsty: Opps!
craftsty: i spy mousey tail!