craftivista: peanut butter.
craftivista: water.
craftivista: cranberry juice
craftivista: dish soap.
craftivista: tide. just tide.
craftivista: glass cleaner.
craftivista: packaged meat.
craftivista: links + franks.
craftivista: the bread aisle.
craftivista: bread.
craftivista: apples. lots of apples.
craftivista: saturday at the gardening store
craftivista: only gum will outlast the apocalypse
craftivista: falling bookshelf of carrboro
craftivista: yarn! yarn! yarn!
craftivista: underwear, for a quarter
craftivista: bottles of wine
craftivista: dipsy dog
craftivista: (Blurry) Soup
craftivista: Butter
craftivista: Mucho Mayo
craftivista: (Blurry) Tuna
craftivista: Pickles. OMG.
craftivista: toilet paper!
craftivista: Mo' paper mo' problems