craftivist collective: Mini Protest Banner kit contents. Buy a kit and support us please :)
craftivist collective: Mini Protest Banner postcards in ribbon
craftivist collective: Super F*@ked print
craftivist collective: Barbie provokes print
craftivist collective: Tax This! print
craftivist collective: Buy our products to support our work and expand in the future- please
craftivist collective: Buy our products to support our work and expand in the future- please
craftivist collective: Craftivist vs Craptivist badges
craftivist collective: Buy our products to support our work and expand in the future- please
craftivist collective: Buy our products to support our work and expand in the future- please
craftivist collective: Buy our products to support our work and expand in the future- please
craftivist collective: Buy our products to support our work and expand in the future- please
craftivist collective: Buy our products to support our work and expand in the future- please
craftivist collective: Buy our products to support our work and expand in the future- please
craftivist collective: Buy our products to support our work and expand in the future- please
craftivist collective: Buy our products to support our work and expand in the future- please
craftivist collective: Embroidered letter - words by Red in Shawshank Redemption.
craftivist collective: Hand-stitched post-it note Talk Less Say More
craftivist collective: Hand-stitched post-it note - JP Flintoff quote
craftivist collective: Hand-stitched post-it note - Ghandi quote
craftivist collective: Embroidered Letter in a box
craftivist collective: boxed up Embroidered letter
craftivist collective: Mini Protest Banner Kit for our 'Love Fashion Hate Sweatshops'
craftivist collective: 'Don't Blow It' craftivism hanky kit
craftivist collective: 'Don't Blow It' craftivism hanky kit BACK
craftivist collective: 'Don't Blow It' craftivism hanky kit FRONT
craftivist collective: Mini Protest Banner kit for our 'Love Fashion Hate Sweatshops' project
craftivist collective: Mini Protest Banner kit for our 'Love Fashion Hate Sweatshops' project
craftivist collective: Embroidered Letter for myself
craftivist collective: Craftivist Footprint kit