craftapple: I am Sensei Wu, Master of Spinjitsu and world traveler.
craftapple: I am Sensei Wu. I claim this bridge. I am now a bridge owner.
craftapple: I am Sensei Wu. I wait for no one. But sometimes I must wait for the bus.
craftapple: I am Sensei Wu. I have conquered HeMei Mountain. I claim this mountain. I am now a mountain owner.
craftapple: I am Sensei Wu. I claim this motorcycle. I am now a motorcycle owner.
craftapple: I am Sensei Wu. I ride the MRT. I claim this MRT. I now own a subway train.
craftapple: I am Sensei Wu, Master of Spinjitsu. I plank for world domination.
craftapple: I am Sensei Wu. At times I must rest. I claim this tree. I am now a tree owner.
craftapple: I am Sensei Wu, friend of all animals big and small. This is my pet snail. I am a snail owner.
craftapple: I am Sensei Wu. This intersection behind me sits on some prime real estate in the city. I claim it. I am now rich.
craftapple: I am Sensei Wu. I am on Tiger Mountain. I believe I have found a suitable place for my mountain-top dojo.
craftapple: I am Sensei Wu. This building behind me is big. I believe I have found a suitable place for my dojo in the city.
craftapple: I am Sensei Wu. The soldier behind me will make a brave ninja. He may stay in my dojo and train to be a master of Spinjitsu.
craftapple: I am Sensei Wu. I will now demonstrate my bravery by venturing into the feeding grounds of giant pigeons.
craftapple: I am Sensei Wu. I will now demonstrate my bravery by venturing into the feeding grounds of giant pigeons.
craftapple: I am Sensei Wu. I have wandered into a mushroom grove. Mushrooms can be used for many things.
craftapple: This one will make a suitable throne from which I can rule the world.
craftapple: I am Sensei Wu. At this swimming establishment it is the rule that all swimmers must wear swim caps. When I own this establishment I will change this rule.
craftapple: I am Sensei Wu. I will enslave this man. He won't know what hit him
craftapple: I am Sensei Wu. This is my waterfall. Only those who have my permission may gaze upon it's beauty
craftapple: Isn't it beautiful?
craftapple: Do you have my permission to look at this waterfall?
craftapple: I am Sensei Wu. I desire to own many bridges. This will be the second bridge that I own.
craftapple: You do not have my permission to gaze upon it's beauty.
craftapple: Sensei Wu Christmas