alass: Sikka deer
alass: Salmon spawning
alass: Bear hunting salmon
alass: deer at night
alass: fox in captivity at fox farm
alass: clione
alass: Tufted duck
alass: Cormorants
alass: Black headed gull
alass: heron
alass: spot billed duck
alass: egret
alass: pintail
alass: jungle crow
alass: Tancho
alass: Tancho
alass: sign of things to come?
alass: white fronted geese with rice stooks
alass: harlequin duck
alass: Whooper swans
alass: grosbeak
alass: Bean goose
alass: Nuthatch sitta europa
alass: Blakiston's Fish owl
alass: flying at dusk white fronted geese
alass: white fronted geese anser albifrons
alass: sign on bird walk