richardshelly: Waterrail stepping carefully forward
richardshelly: Turkey Vulture
richardshelly: Magellanic Oystercatchers
richardshelly: Magellanic Oystercatcher in the surf
richardshelly: King Penguin on ice
richardshelly: Eurasian Bee-Eaters courting
richardshelly: Glaucous Gull discards an Eider egg
richardshelly: Black Guillemots fighting
richardshelly: King Penguin chicks, shaking off the sand at sunrise
richardshelly: Patagonian Crested Ducks courting
richardshelly: Hoopoe, fighting outside a nest site
richardshelly: Glaucous Gull takes an Eider duckling
richardshelly: Black Guillemot
richardshelly: Arctic Tern emerging with krill
richardshelly: Imperial Cormorant returning to the nest
richardshelly: Male Eider, Longyearbyen
richardshelly: Gentoo penguins at dawn in Yorke Bay, East Falkland
richardshelly: Gentoo penguins, fighting the sandstorm
richardshelly: King Penguin pair courting in Grytviken
richardshelly: King Penguins, with Petrel whaling ship