crackdog: The Poetical Works of Alfred Tennyson c.1884
crackdog: The Poetical Works of Lord Byron 1887
crackdog: Twentieth Century Desk Book of TYPE and Printing Materials 1901
crackdog: Erfurt, Germany from the Nuremberg Chronicle of 1493
crackdog: Seattle U.S.A. - The Seaport of Success
crackdog: Commentarii, in libros sex Pedacii Dioscorides by Pier Andrea Mattioli 1568 or 1604
crackdog: Commentarii, in libros sex Pedacii Dioscorides by Pier Andrea Mattioli 1568 or 1604
crackdog: Fraternal organization plaque, Kappa Omega Alpha
crackdog: Fold out book leaf from 1755
crackdog: Pelecanus Bird Print 1823
crackdog: Colossus of Rhodes c.1778
crackdog: Douglas, Alaska 1914 (Juneau) panorama
crackdog: A Lady in King Arthurs Court by Sara Hawks Sterling - 1907
crackdog: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass
crackdog: Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain - 1885
crackdog: Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain - 1898 edition
crackdog: Portrait of Denis Lebey de Batilly (Dionysius Lebeus Batillus) (Dionysii Lebei-Batillii) by Theodorus de Bry 1596
crackdog: Jeanne d'Arc by Louis Maurice Boutet de Monvel 1896 Title Page
crackdog: Jeanne d'Arc by Louis Maurice Boutet de Monvel 1896
crackdog: Jeanne d'Arc by Louis Maurice Boutet de Monvel 1896
crackdog: A Plan of the Solar System Exhibiting it's Relative Magnitudes and Distances. 1835
crackdog: The Baby's Opera by Walter Crane c1900
crackdog: Old King Cole from The Baby's Opera by Walter Crane c1900
crackdog: I Saw Three Ships from Baby's Opera by Walter Crane c1900
crackdog: Appleton's Railway Map of the United States and Canada 1871
crackdog: Appleton's Railway Map of the United States and Canada 1871
crackdog: Märchenbuch - German language book of children's fairy tales 1919
crackdog: Snow White illustration from german children's book 1919
crackdog: Human skull, profile
crackdog: Human skull, front