Gooders2011: Waiting for the Olympic Torch.
Gooders2011: Down the hill towards the Chippy, Beith.
Gooders2011: DSCF5296 - Copy
Gooders2011: Waiting for the Olympic Torch.
Gooders2011: First signs of the torch relay.
Gooders2011: The Kids are getting restless.
Gooders2011: The Coca Cola lorry.
Gooders2011: Coca Cola lorry and Samsung Vehicle on the Torch Relay through Beith.
Gooders2011: DSCF5302 - Copy
Gooders2011: DSCF5303 - Copy
Gooders2011: DSCF5304 - Copy
Gooders2011: DSCF5305 - Copy
Gooders2011: Olympic Torch relay through Beith.
Gooders2011: Bank of Scotland Float on Olympic Torch Relay through Beith.
Gooders2011: Torch Relay through Beith
Gooders2011: The Torch Relay Procession through Beith.
Gooders2011: The crowd of schoolkids lining the Barmill Road in Beith waiting for the Torch.
Gooders2011: Beith Torch bearer No2 waits patiently for the Torch.
Gooders2011: Anyone Got a Light?
Gooders2011: Don't Drop It! Final instructions for the torchbearer.
Gooders2011: Coming up to the Handover.
Gooders2011: We have Ignition!
Gooders2011: Your Turn Now.
Gooders2011: Flames in Beith.
Gooders2011: You've done it Lass!
Gooders2011: He's on His Way.
Gooders2011: Proudly down the hill to the centre of Beith, with Olympic flame held High.
Gooders2011: Busy Beith.