Mike Downing UK:
the rape of the sabine
Mike Downing UK:
The rape of the sabine, front
Mike Downing UK:
The Rape of the sabine, back
Mike Downing UK:
Mangy lepping pigeon
Mike Downing UK:
Grouchy Angel
Mike Downing UK:
Candido, candido
Mike Downing UK:
Duomo, exterior
Mike Downing UK:
Duomo door
Mike Downing UK:
Duomo, Cupola detail
Mike Downing UK:
Cupola detail
Mike Downing UK:
The voice of authority
Mike Downing UK:
Tribute to inception
Mike Downing UK:
Duomo exterior 2
Mike Downing UK:
Mike Downing UK:
Suite ceiling
Mike Downing UK:
Florence Skyline
Mike Downing UK:
Duomo, night
Mike Downing UK:
Florence, night
Mike Downing UK:
Hotel door
Mike Downing UK:
Ponte Vecchio exterior
Mike Downing UK:
Mike Downing UK:
Arno reflection
Mike Downing UK:
Over the Arno
Mike Downing UK:
None more tight
Mike Downing UK:
Social scene
Mike Downing UK: