Effervescing Elephant: Christmas Decorations at Shafer
Effervescing Elephant: Christmas Rattler anyone?
Effervescing Elephant: Christmas tree and wine making tanks
Effervescing Elephant: Wine tasting at Shafer
Effervescing Elephant: Shafer Vineyard
Effervescing Elephant: Shafer Vineyard
Effervescing Elephant: Shafer Vineyard
Effervescing Elephant: A store like that would even see me out
Effervescing Elephant: David Hill Wineries
Effervescing Elephant: David Hill Shop
Effervescing Elephant: Deliberating the wine!
Effervescing Elephant: David Hill Wineries
Effervescing Elephant: The tasting Room
Effervescing Elephant: The tasting area
Effervescing Elephant: View across the valley
Effervescing Elephant: Ghost and Ein
Effervescing Elephant: Ghost and Ein
Effervescing Elephant: Tasting Rooms
Effervescing Elephant: Tasting Rooms
Effervescing Elephant: Outside the tasting rooms
Effervescing Elephant: Wine tasting menu