Effervescing Elephant: Fish - we bought one and it was lovely
Effervescing Elephant: Farewell Ranomafana
Effervescing Elephant: Great stop for a picnic
Effervescing Elephant: Going up river
Effervescing Elephant: Ranomafana
Effervescing Elephant: Opposite our hotel
Effervescing Elephant: Fast River
Effervescing Elephant: Madagascar River
Effervescing Elephant: From the viewing platform
Effervescing Elephant: Forest Critter
Effervescing Elephant: Adrien explaining
Effervescing Elephant: Trekking in the forest trail
Effervescing Elephant: Towards the light
Effervescing Elephant: In the forest - spot the Lemur!
Effervescing Elephant: Lemur in the trees
Effervescing Elephant: ferns and leaves and Lemur
Effervescing Elephant: River in the Forest
Effervescing Elephant: Ranomafana
Effervescing Elephant: The Ihary Hotel
Effervescing Elephant: Dinner at the Ihary
Effervescing Elephant: Hello frog