Effervescing Elephant: Approaching Marc's Shrine
Effervescing Elephant: Bolan Boogie
Effervescing Elephant: Marc's tree
Effervescing Elephant: Marc Memorial
Effervescing Elephant: Marc Bolan
Effervescing Elephant: Marc Bolan Memorial
Effervescing Elephant: Memorial to Marc Bolan
Effervescing Elephant: Marc Bolan Notice Board
Effervescing Elephant: The tree where Marc Bolan died
Effervescing Elephant: Gipsy Lane - appropriate for Marc Bolan
Effervescing Elephant: The view from the Bridge
Effervescing Elephant: Parade close to Marc Bolan's last house
Effervescing Elephant: Marc Bolan's home
Effervescing Elephant: Unassuming Street in East Sheen
Effervescing Elephant: Marc Bolan's house