Effervescing Elephant: Fairytale Castle
Effervescing Elephant: The streets of Varazin
Effervescing Elephant: The streets of Varazdin
Effervescing Elephant: View across the park
Effervescing Elephant: The round house
Effervescing Elephant: More of the castle
Effervescing Elephant: Varazdin church
Effervescing Elephant: Grafitti round the back!
Effervescing Elephant: Around the castle
Effervescing Elephant: The Castle
Effervescing Elephant: The castle across the street
Effervescing Elephant: Which way next?
Effervescing Elephant: The square
Effervescing Elephant: Bright building
Effervescing Elephant: Varazdin main square
Effervescing Elephant: Croatian Cheese Platter
Effervescing Elephant: How many windows...
Effervescing Elephant: Grand building
Effervescing Elephant: Varazdin Square
Effervescing Elephant: Grgur's giving me the evil stare
Effervescing Elephant: Varazdin Church
Effervescing Elephant: Grand Gates
Effervescing Elephant: Rural Croatia
Effervescing Elephant: Croatian village
Effervescing Elephant: Croatian village
Effervescing Elephant: Rural Croatia
Effervescing Elephant: Train to nowhere (well OK... Hungary)
Effervescing Elephant: The streets of Varazdin
Effervescing Elephant: Struggling in the crowds