Effervescing Elephant: Morning Walk
Effervescing Elephant: Towards the top
Effervescing Elephant: Scottish moss and heathers
Effervescing Elephant: Scottish heather....
Effervescing Elephant: Scots Pine
Effervescing Elephant: Heather hill
Effervescing Elephant: On the way to the woods
Effervescing Elephant: Lake at the top of the hill
Effervescing Elephant: Harebells and Heather
Effervescing Elephant: Winter at Avoch
Effervescing Elephant: Ducks at Avoch
Effervescing Elephant: View over the loch
Effervescing Elephant: Mountains over the loch
Effervescing Elephant: Cold mountain...
Effervescing Elephant: Burnt rusty grass
Effervescing Elephant: Leaves in ice
Effervescing Elephant: Frosty path...
Effervescing Elephant: Lonesome Pine...
Effervescing Elephant: Ice on the water...
Effervescing Elephant: The path stretches on...
Effervescing Elephant: The shadows lengthen
Effervescing Elephant: Sun and shade
Effervescing Elephant: Dusk in the mountains
Effervescing Elephant: On the rocks...