cptesco: Day 1 of 365 (3)
cptesco: Day 2 of 365 " Imitation is the Sincerest Form of Flattery "
cptesco: 3 of 365 Days (3) There comes a time in everyones life where you just have to kiss a pig
cptesco: 4 of 365 Days "Early Kodak VS Older Man"
cptesco: 5 of 365 Days " Happy Birthday to Me, Happy B'day to me, Happy B'day Tomorrow, Happy B'day to ME "
cptesco: 6 of 365 days (3) " Time to Break Out the BREAK FREE and give the pea shooter a good oil'n"
cptesco: 7 of 365 Days (3) " Not unlike the Ostridge, I hide my head and hope everything bad will go away "
cptesco: 8 of 365 Days (3) " A pets love will make anyone feel better....unless your pet is the Spawn of Satan"
cptesco: 9 of 365 Days (3) "The Beast has AWAKENED....Jose' the African Spur Thigh Tortoise has awakened from his month long hibernation"
cptesco: 10 of 365 (3) Someday I'll author a book on " How to get into your 50's and still not grow up " and I'll use this photo for my biography.
cptesco: 11 of 365 Days " I'm getting too old for this.. Moving into my new apartment on the 3rd floor requires walking across the parking lot, down the length of the apartment building and up 49 stairs.
cptesco: 12 of 365 Days " Here it is 11:40 at night as I'm trying to fall asleep I realize I have not done my 365 :( so i roll over and grab my Ipad....I promise I'll get back to using a regular camera soon :) "
cptesco: 13 of 365 Days " I'm slowly being buried alive with empty boxes"
cptesco: 14 of 365 Days " Checking out my newest vintage camera the WWI era Kodak Vest Pocket Autographic Camera"
cptesco: 15 of 365 Days " BURRRR The Texas Winter is COLD this Year"
cptesco: 16 of 365 Days " Try hard as he may..Buford the Nurse could not figure out how to give himself an Ear Exam "
cptesco: 17 of 365 " RED BULL gives you wings....it also keeps you awake on an all night drive"
cptesco: 18 of 365 " Beautiful Sunrise coming into Memphis TN this morning"
cptesco: 19 of 365 " MADE IT to Priceville Alabama to see my WONDERFUL MOM :)
cptesco: 20 of 365 Days " Have some good ol' Southern Pulled Pork BBQ from Golden Rule in Hoover, Alabama"
cptesco: 21 of 365 Days " Having a nice cold Bud Light Platinum in Florida"
cptesco: 22 of 365 days "Late at night at the Texas Welcome Center on I-10..been on the road from Fla pulling a big cargo trailer since early morning. Time for a little shut eye before heading on to Temple TX"
cptesco: 23 of 365 Days "Having been on the road for 7 days, Traveling thru 7 States to see family and adding an extra 2600 miles to my odometer I'm finally home. Fresh out of the shower I go to take my day 23 photo and I have trouble with my camera remote"
cptesco: 24 of 365 " Being an Actor had always been a secret desire for Buford the Nurse...His chance to make famous came when he auditioned for the Community Playhouse role of GENGHIS KHAN"
cptesco: 25 of 365 " Cinema is a matter of what's in the frame and what is out "
cptesco: 26 of 365 Days " Shooting at a Vintage/Antique Car Junk Yard " Colors of Rust project
cptesco: 27 of 365 Days " Thinking that the Classics would suit him best..Buford the Nurse studies for a major role in THE QUIET MAN .
cptesco: 28 of 365 Days " In his dreams, Buford the Nurse tames Lions for Ringling Brothers Circus"
cptesco: 29 of 365 Days "Been a long day but I can put on my I-pad Happy Face and keep going"
cptesco: 30 of 365 Days " Thinking that Advertizing would boost his career..Buford the Nurse commissioned Paint by Numbers Velvet Elvis style printings of himself"