cptesco: First of 365 Self Portraits for 2010.....HAPPY NEW YEAR
cptesco: 2 of 365 Self Portraits for 2010....Heading to North Alabama from Florida on my way back to San Antonio TX......Riding through lower Georgia and the Red Clay dirt roads on a cold New Years Day
cptesco: 3 of 365 Self Portraits for 2010....The peasants have given up their mules for motorcycles
cptesco: 4 of 365 Self Portraits for 2010....Visiting with MOM in Decatur Alabama
cptesco: 5 of 365 Self Portraits for 2010......Last day of the wanna be beard...lots of different colors in this beard but alas Uncle Sam will not let me wear it when I report back to work tomorrow
cptesco: 6 of 365 Self Portraits for 2010....OUCH it comes off harder than it went on
cptesco: 7 of 365 Self Portraits for 2010...............Happy B'day to me 49 years young
cptesco: 8 of 365 Self Portraits...2010....Here is what happens when some drunk trips over your tripod while you have your back turned and are trying to be nice by taking a souvenir photo of someone with their own camera on the Riverwalk
cptesco: 9 of 365 Self Portraits for 2010....Attending the Texas Dept of Transportation Motorcycle Safety Conference in Austin TX
cptesco: 10 of 365 Self Portraits for 2010......OHHHH.. Food Poisoning...I would rather take a beating than to throw up. It has not been a good day :(
cptesco: 11 of 365 Self Portraits for 2010.....I love my wireless camera remote....Teaching the Military Sportbike Rider Course at Lackland Air Force Base Texas...That's me in the middle with the YELLOW shirt on under my brown jacket
cptesco: 12 of 365 Self Portraits for 2010.......Think I may have pushed it too hard on the motorcyle range..not sure my system was up for it after the food poisoning...if it were not for these sunshine glasses all the color would be out of my life
cptesco: 13 of 365 Self Portraits for 2010......Ok the color is gone....time to sleep it off..maybe things will feel better tomorrow
cptesco: 14 of 365 Self Portraits for 2010.....From the living room to the garage...now to the attic...I'm glad I only have to drag this Christmas Tree out once a year
cptesco: 15 of 365 Self Portraits for 2010........I swear I saw an ARK floating down Highway 35
cptesco: 16 of 365 Self Portraits for 2010........After seeing the ARK I have decided to become a Monk and join the Holy Order of the White Hoodie
cptesco: 17 of 365 Self Portraits for 2010.....Early morning breakfast at Dennys...Meat Lovers Scramble is my favorite...I like to meet up with the other RidersEdge Instructor on the days we go to the motorcycle range
cptesco: 18 of 365 Self Portraits for 2010.......I've got to remember to set the wireless remote to a 2 second delay so I can hide the hand with the remote. My RidersEdge motorcycle class for this week. ( I'm in the red and black checked flannel shirt)
cptesco: 19 of 365 Self Portraits for 2010..............Cleaning the storage room today and found some of my old clown props
cptesco: 20 of 365 Self Portraits for 2010.......Egg..straordinary talent......I'm feeling more like my old self these past few days so sorry for all the silly pics
cptesco: 21 of 365 Self Portraits for 2010........I've always wanted to paint my toe nails red.......not really :)
cptesco: 22 of 365 Self Portraits for 2010....Me and my bestest pal...Jose' Cuervo
cptesco: 23 of 265 Self Portraits for 2010...Contemplating Nothingness
cptesco: 24 of 365 Self Portraits for 2010........Sometimes I'm really a hot head.
cptesco: 25 of 365 Self Portraits for 2010......I'm going to try out for a Stunt Double part for "DOG the BOUNTY HUNTER"
cptesco: 26 of 365 Self Portraits for 2010........Me and my first motorcycle...one day I will restore it for my grandchildren to ride.
cptesco: 27 of 365 Self Portraits for 2010....My garage/workshop until yesterday was piled to the ceiling with future projects and junk to the point that I had absolutely no where to work or even stand but after a hard days work I can now use my tables again
cptesco: 28 of 365 Self Portraits for 2010......now that the garage is clean it is time to start working on the tool boxes...all this is just from the top shelf of one box and there are 3 tool chests to go thru.
cptesco: 29 of 365 Self Portraits.....It's a Small World after all
cptesco: 30 of 365 Self Portraits....Sometimes I wish I were Superman...............The X-Ray vision would be fun :)