cptesco: Fun Scavenger Hunt #2 ( a form of transportation) Playing with a flashlight on an MRAP
cptesco: I brought in a bunch of balloons today to be used for the children....however I found out the O.R. is full of big children. They all wanted to learn and quickly used up the 100+ balloons....FSH #7 ( someone having fun )
cptesco: Fun Scavenger Hunt #11 (teddy bear)The daughter of one of the ANA hospital lab staff...she had a 101 degree temp and wasnt feel too good but the little purple bear seemed to cheer her up for a moment
cptesco: Lots of colors outside the hospital.....Fun Scavenger Hunt #23 ( Fall Colors)
cptesco: The first cut is the deepest.....hey that would make a great song...Fun Scavenger Hunt #26 ( something that makes you think of a song )
cptesco: 166 of 365.....FSH#28.....30 second silhouette exposure from a light source about 50 yards away
cptesco: Fun Scavenger Hunt #30 ( Something Scarey)
cptesco: Naan being cooked in the tandoor oven on the Herat ANA Military Base Afghanistan......Fun Scavenger Hunt #31 ( someone working )
cptesco: Fun Scavenger Hunt #46 ( A Harvest )
cptesco: 149 of 365....Hedgehog on my shoulder....Fun Scavenger Hunt #55 ( a pet )
cptesco: Front gate taken from the inside looking out, love the setting sunlight on the flowers...Fun Scavenger Hunt #56 ( A fence )
cptesco: Love the lighting at dusk...Fun Scavenger Hunt #57 ( a Macro shot )
cptesco: Fun Scavenger Hunt #65 ( your favorite time of day )Lots of stars out tonight...very little dust in the air VIEW LARGE
cptesco: Fun Scavenger Hunt #66 ( Nature ) These two guys seemed to be enjoying the evening sun
cptesco: Fun Scavenger Hunt #79 ( A Feather ).....noticed this little guy as I was photographing the ladybugs
cptesco: Fun Scavenger Hunt #15 ( Shell )....Found this old mortor shell laying in the ground on my walk.
cptesco: FSH #39 ( An interesting field ) Afghan adobe buildings and farm lands
cptesco: FSH#77 ( a season) The rainbow effect is from the window of the aircraft as we fly over the Hindu Kush mountains in Afghanistan at the begining of winter
cptesco: FSH#38 ( view from a window )...Canyon in the mountains....notice the clouds at the edge of the cliff....taken from the prop plane window
cptesco: FSH# 20 ( something new )..Just one of those sights you catch out of the side of your eyes and you think..WOW everything is set up just right for a nice photo....a new wall
cptesco: FSH #35 (a view from above)..... More cold images of the Hindu Kush Mountain range in Afghanistan....Our little prop plane just barely made it over some of the peaks
cptesco: The cresent moon and two bright stars out tonight.....FSH #27 ( A special date) Dec 1st... The day the planets Jupiter and Venus aligned with the moon to make a SMILEY FACE in the sky
cptesco: SHOTB #25 ( *Body )....Fun Scavenger Hunt # 53 ( A lake or ocean ) Taken at mid day on the Gulf of Mexico and shot thru my sun glasses with a high shutter speed
cptesco: DOWN BY THE SEA SHORE........Fun Scavenger Hunt # 49 ( A place where you relax )
cptesco: Abandoned Window....FSH #62 ( Something in B&W )
cptesco: FSH # 61 ( Morning ) The sun rising in Shepard State Park near Biloxi Mississippi. Camped out here on my 3000 mile motorcycle trip last week
cptesco: FSH# 42 ( A Pair of Jeans ).................. SHOTB # 12 ( Under Water )
cptesco: 277 of 365.....Maybe some of this will get the extra Scotch out of my blood :)......Fun Scavenger Hunt #60 ( Something you would find in the kitchen )...Sarsaparilla
cptesco: Escape the Darkness........ Fun Scavenger Hunt # 47 ( a set of stairs )
cptesco: Broken Windows...Fun Scavenger Hunt # 1 ( a hole in the wall )