cptesco: One of the village officers and the bullet holes in the building wall
cptesco: Village Elder
cptesco: 132 of 365.......I know I'm wearing sunglasses indoors..but the flash is BRIGHT
cptesco: 131 of 365......I think we look alot alike....Don't you?
cptesco: I just could not pass up a chance to set up this picture...the ANA Medics killing time while waiting on the Medivac Helicopter to arrive...unfortunately the helicopter landed at the KAF so we had to run over there right after this picture was taken
cptesco: Looks like someone took a bite of his cheek
cptesco: Just lost a tooth but still having a fun day
cptesco: Our newest O.R. Nurse
cptesco: Mortenson ready for action....Humvee TC for the General's convoy
cptesco: Beautiful little Afghan child
cptesco: Our laundry man at the ANA Hospital....I have dozens of pictures of him...He is just so photogenic
cptesco: Sitting calmly waiting for an X-Ray
cptesco: 127 of 365........Got a little stye in my eye and it's driving me crazy
cptesco: Brought in a box full of hats that were donated today...this young man grabbed the bright read one as soon as I opened the box.
cptesco: Guhl, one of the OR nurses being his silly self with his new hat
cptesco: Juma Khan's ( the housekeeper ) son with his new hat
cptesco: Your Friendly Servers....Scavenger Hunt 101 #33 ( A local resturant )
cptesco: Playing with the head dress
cptesco: My interpreter made these for me. He gave them to me at work today so I put them on for pictures....VERY COMFORTABLE
cptesco: Just modeling my new Man Pajamas that Qawi made for me
cptesco: 123 of 365.......Working on lessons in the office
cptesco: 121 of 365......Just out of the shower and feeling good. Nice slick scalp
cptesco: 120 of 365........modeling the cooling headbands that were sent over by a sewing group from the States
cptesco: So how often do you walk into the waiting room at your hospital and see a sight like this?
cptesco: Just had to take this picture.........Love the WAL- MART bag
cptesco: Scavenger Hunt 101 #42 ( A tattoo ) .....this is his name and a sword. He is a gentle giant of an Afghan man
cptesco: The three amigos, Jo, Kevin and Chris
cptesco: Maj Wright
cptesco: 119 of 365......It's been a good day
cptesco: Some of the helpers moving the shoes from the conex container to the ANA Hospital