cptesco: Arriving at the Russian Village....lots of trash
cptesco: Grounds just outside the village courtyards
cptesco: Afghan Children....What beautiful smiles
cptesco: VERY LARGE Ants...I think you could put a saddle on them...this was taken from a distance...did'nt want to get close enough for them to drag me down their hole
cptesco: One of the village officers and the bullet holes in the building wall
cptesco: Side of the clinic...The center window is the exam room, the wired up window on the left is the pharmacy store room
cptesco: This and the pharmacy store room are the only two inhabitable rooms in the building. Notice how narrow the room is.
cptesco: Pharmacy store room...two shelves
cptesco: Old Mosque and current school at the Russian Village
cptesco: Children playing on the walls of the old cooling pond for the generator
cptesco: Three beautiful Afghan children
cptesco: It is hard to tell in this picture but she is a good 6 foot above the trash on the floor of the tank...I kept expecting one to fall in or the wall to cave in.
cptesco: Front entrance to the clinic
cptesco: Village Elder showing us the old power generator station...it has been out of service for 18 yrs
cptesco: Russian Village Apartments...Bomb damaged
cptesco: Village Elder showing us one of the wells that are no longer functioning
cptesco: View of village clinic
cptesco: More bombed apartments....any available room or space is being lived in
cptesco: My student...Durat ( in the middle ) lives in the apartment with the red windows
cptesco: Village Elder
cptesco: All alone
cptesco: Main water supply for the village
cptesco: Have you ever seen so many connections coming off one water main?
cptesco: More Smiles
cptesco: Wow... what wild hair
cptesco: Village Elder.....guess I liked taking his picture
cptesco: More beautiful Afghan children
cptesco: What a sad place to grow up in
cptesco: Children playing in the rubble...No building codes, No safety violations..Nothing is condemed
cptesco: Walking barefoot thru the trash