cptesco: S.S. Flickr......A Boat without a motor.....Scavenger hunt 101 #1.....I know, my Origami leaves alot to be desired
cptesco: Scavenger Hunt 101 # 2 ( Home of a non-human creature )
cptesco: Canadian Flag........Scavenger Hunt 101 #3 ( A flag other than your own country )
cptesco: Scavenger Hunt 101 #4 ( A Waterfall ).....OK...it did'nt say how BIG it had to be :)
cptesco: AWWW....Glorious Rain following the dust storm.....Scavenger Hunt 101 #5 ( Rain )
cptesco: Scavenger Hunt 101 #6 ( Winter )......My interpretation of winter in the desert at night
cptesco: One of the few puddles of water to be found...the construction workers had a water hose just to the right that was leaking......Scavenger Hunt 101 # 7 ( Puddle )
cptesco: An abandoned building.....Scavenger Hunt 101 #8
cptesco: Scavenger Hunt 101 #9 ( A Junk Car )
cptesco: Scavenger Hunt 101 #10 ( An Extravagant Food ) Crab legs tonight in the chow hall.....too bad I don't really care for them much
cptesco: Wish I was Moving Sale........Scavenger Hunt 101 #11 ( handmade for sale sign)
cptesco: Stacked like Cord Wood......Scavenger Hunt 101 #12 " A Cliche"
cptesco: Scavenger Hunt 101 #13 ( Someone wearing Polka Dots )
cptesco: #14.. A locally owned store in Afghanistan ( Scavenger Hunt 101 group ) Ever read the book or see the movie "THE KITE RUNNER" ? Notice the child holding a clear plastic homemade kite
cptesco: Scavenger Hunt 101 #15 ( A Toy ) Can anyone guess without looking at the tags?
cptesco: Feral Kitten in the dark ( Not B&W )....Scavenger Hunt 101 # 16
cptesco: Part of the old ANA hospital kitchen that burned....Scavenger Hunt 101 #17 ( FIRE )
cptesco: What a fun time.........Scavenger Hunt 101 #18 ( A Child Laughing )
cptesco: Scavenger Hunt 101 #19 ( A Foreign Food Resturant ) Well it IS a foreign food to the Afghanistans, Brits, Canadians, French, Dutch, Croatians and a host of other nations that are stationed here.
cptesco: Scavenger Hunt 101 #20 ( A beach ).......Beach Volleyball
cptesco: Do you know the Sound of Freedom?.....It's DARN loud :) ---------- Scavenger Hunt 101 #21 ( A flying machine )
cptesco: Scavenger Hunt 101 #22 ( Your Bed )......I have tried and tried to figure out a way to make this shot interesting and I have failed miserably
cptesco: Watering the flowers.....Scavenger Hunt 101 # 23
cptesco: 94 of 365....I'm not lost....This is where I am. ------- Also Scavenger Hunt 101 #24 (A Map)
cptesco: Scavenger Hunt 101 #25 ( an extravagant drink )....Ok you have to take this in context....getting a REAL Diet Dr Pepper over here is extravagant :)
cptesco: MRAP that was hit by and IED......Scavenger Hunt 101 #26 ( flat tire )
cptesco: A very happy and somewhat intoxicated duo singing in the market square.......Scavenger Hunt 101 #27 ( A Live Performance)
cptesco: Scavenger Hunt 101 #28 ( An Absurd Predicament )...Never turn your back when the dumptruck is unloading it's dirt
cptesco: Scavenger Hunt 101 #29 ( Motorcycle ) Guess there are No Helmet Laws here in Afghanistan
cptesco: Scavenger Hunt 101 #30 ( Someone Having A Bad Hair Day )