cptesco: Taking the grandkids on a ride around the parking lot
cptesco: Joseph rode with me from the house to the country club and had a ball
cptesco: Ella riding with Grampa
cptesco: Silly picture with my girls
cptesco: Katie ( youngest daughter)
cptesco: Andrea ( oldest daughter)
cptesco: Samantha ( middle daughter )
cptesco: Family
cptesco: Kids and Grandkids
cptesco: Nancy and I
cptesco: Sam and dad
cptesco: Andrea and dad
cptesco: Katie and dad
cptesco: Me and my beautiful daughters
cptesco: Our grandkids
cptesco: PaPa and grandkids
cptesco: The whole clan
cptesco: Just being hams
cptesco: My pal MICKEY......Nothing beats a "Pound" dog for loyalty
cptesco: 53 of 365........ A nice dinner with family and friends
cptesco: Grandkids going for a ride on Grampa's Goldwing
cptesco: The McBay Clan...Andrea, Nancy, Katie, Ella, Randy, Joseph and Samantha