cptesco: Group Photo Time
cptesco: ANA Nurses
cptesco: Listening to the different speakers
cptesco: Tour of the OR
cptesco: Getting a tour of the Canadian hospital
cptesco: WOW they have really set things up nice for us
cptesco: Arriving at the "Speak Easy" The Canadian Hospital club house
cptesco: Off the bus and walking to the hospital
cptesco: Bus is loaded and ready to head to KAF
cptesco: Everyone is happy to be receiving nurse day gifts
cptesco: As always, Everyone has to have a picture with Meadows :)
cptesco: Bassett handing out scrubs as quickly as she can
cptesco: Handing out the Nurses Day gifts
cptesco: Eagerly awaiting their gifts
cptesco: NURSES DAY
cptesco: Don't ask me why, he just want me to take this picture :)
cptesco: 014
cptesco: 001
cptesco: KAF Role 3 Hospital Flag
cptesco: Saying Goodbye to our new friends
cptesco: The 3 Chief Nurses
cptesco: Enjoying the day
cptesco: Group Lunchon under the parachute
cptesco: Enjoying lunch
cptesco: In Line for the BBQ
cptesco: The grills are hot and smoking YUMMM
cptesco: Asadul's in love
cptesco: The KAF OR nurses and Burleigh
cptesco: Being shown the proper way to wear the scarf
cptesco: Receiving their gifts from the Canadian Nurses