cptesco: DANG TALIBAN, can't they wait till I finsh my shower?
cptesco: Waiting out another nighttime motar attack in the shelter
cptesco: Patiently waiting on the helicopter
cptesco: Maj McBay and Nikzad ( interpreter)
cptesco: Is this patient ever going to get here?
cptesco: Maybe if I do the YMCA song.........
cptesco: Litter team moving towards the patient
cptesco: Now to bring the patient to the ambulance
cptesco: Loading the patient into the ambulance
cptesco: Been a LONG DAY
cptesco: Group Photo
cptesco: Bandage changing day on the wards
cptesco: Fieg and McCormick checking out the explosion from the gazebo roof
cptesco: Patient came in with a 106 degree temp
cptesco: Dr Fieg is explaining how to insert a nasopharngeal airway....yeah right :)
cptesco: LtCol Fieg AKA TRAUMA CZAR
cptesco: LtCol Fieg having just given a lecture on Posionous Snakes in Afghanistan, takes a rope out of a box and tosses it into the audience....Should have seen them jump