cptesco: 082
cptesco: MSgt Mortensen mixing up some power juice in his room
cptesco: Mortensen knocking a homer
cptesco: Group Photo
cptesco: Mortensen checking out a live round
cptesco: Getting another estimate for the softball field
cptesco: The STAIR KINGS
cptesco: Securing the stairs to the ceiling
cptesco: Lots of help
cptesco: Enjoying the breeze
cptesco: 013
cptesco: More roofing
cptesco: Mortensen working hard
cptesco: End of another long day. Relaxing on the gazebo
cptesco: Looking to see where it will land
cptesco: Letting go
cptesco: Release of the balloon
cptesco: Pulling WAY BACK
cptesco: READY AIM
cptesco: Mortenson ready for action....Humvee TC for the General's convoy
cptesco: Mortenson and Tobey helping with the General's convoy