cptesco: 065
cptesco: 067
cptesco: Kandahar Military Hospital Kitchen when we arrived
cptesco: Lunch time
cptesco: 002 Chow hall extras at Lindsey
cptesco: 001 Camp Lindsey Chow Hall
cptesco: 003 Chow hall
cptesco: 100_4463
cptesco: 022 Putting the bread dough into the oven
cptesco: 021 Workers at the village bakery
cptesco: 020 Bread dough ready to be cooked
cptesco: 019 Preparing to cook
cptesco: 016 THE BAKER
cptesco: 015 Fresh bread from the mud oven
cptesco: 014 One of the Bakers
cptesco: UMMM at least they put a poncho liner down under the goat
cptesco: Tonights supper
cptesco: All water from the OASIS company has been Quarantined for some reason
cptesco: Water Bottle Pallet
cptesco: My Supper in the hospital Kitchen
cptesco: Meat on the left and potatos onthe right
cptesco: the cooks utensils
cptesco: Eating supper in the Hospital kitchen
cptesco: UMMMM
cptesco: Cook fixing my plate YUMM
cptesco: Stoking the fire
cptesco: Potato sack
cptesco: Bags of some sort of vegetables but I think they are moldy
cptesco: Hospital workers dining room.....nice fresh naan ( bread )
cptesco: Peeling potatos with the cooks