Cpt. Obvious: Princeton Sewer University
Cpt. Obvious: this way to MANVILLE.
Cpt. Obvious: everyone LOOKS revolutionary on a bicycle
Cpt. Obvious: I didn't put the cigarette in washington's mouth
Cpt. Obvious: ah yes, Tennessee. The universal reference point.
Cpt. Obvious: stuffed fish look either terrified or sinister (occasionally both)
Cpt. Obvious: okay, maybe sometimes they look surprised
Cpt. Obvious: the squid and the whale
Cpt. Obvious: occupancy chart = clear as mud
Cpt. Obvious: now I understand! logging is GREAT for the forest!
Cpt. Obvious: because if you left any trees standing, it would be a disaster
Cpt. Obvious: one of the more entertainingly horrifying exhibits at the American Museum of Natural History
Cpt. Obvious: unlike Man, all other mammals are the enemy of the forest.
Cpt. Obvious: Many of the animals are challenging game for the hunter.
Cpt. Obvious: when the Algonquin Indian invaded this forest...
Cpt. Obvious: The American Indians practiced a primitive form of agriculture
Cpt. Obvious: Man adds commercial fertilizers such as phosphate, nitrates, potash...
Cpt. Obvious: Phosphates, chemicals, NO!
Cpt. Obvious: surprisingly, modern behaviour could have African origins.
Cpt. Obvious: carnelian teats.
Cpt. Obvious: nautilus
Cpt. Obvious: emperor penguin devours his young.
Cpt. Obvious: welcome to orientalism land!
Cpt. Obvious: "Hinduism, or the Religion of India..."
Cpt. Obvious: The four and only faces of Vietnam.
Cpt. Obvious: I liked how this was in the present tense.
Cpt. Obvious: ...animism, monasticism, polyandry, and high infant mortality.
Cpt. Obvious: Archaic Indian Tools
Cpt. Obvious: pre-colonial writing of what is now the Philippines
Cpt. Obvious: Yes, the Filipinos "adopted" Christianity and the Roman Alphabet. Yes.