Cpt. Obvious: watercolour streetcar
Cpt. Obvious: darlene's new apartment
Cpt. Obvious: the skinny chinless club at dinner
Cpt. Obvious: my sister won an iTouch
Cpt. Obvious: I am increasingly incapable of taking focussed night shots
Cpt. Obvious: sometimes this inability to focus leads to pseudo artyness
Cpt. Obvious: zoooom
Cpt. Obvious: yes. grapefruit.
Cpt. Obvious: red mangoes- Nassau street at Augusta
Cpt. Obvious: citrus in season
Cpt. Obvious: Nassau Street
Cpt. Obvious: xuan-yen, on blood oranges
Cpt. Obvious: whining and cheesing
Cpt. Obvious: mmmm whine and cheese
Cpt. Obvious: yonge st, holiday 2007/08
Cpt. Obvious: zanzibar
Cpt. Obvious: and more unfocussed night shots
Cpt. Obvious: monkey meets hallmark mouse
Cpt. Obvious: the one cheerful thing in the whole Path
Cpt. Obvious: zanzibar
Cpt. Obvious: bloor street sunset